
Showing posts from February 18, 2024

Types of Power

Types of Powe r Writ by Jesse Lee Coercive power The ability to dispense punishments Exercising power by negative means Bully Intimidating  Punishing Fire Demoting Reducing salary Coercion Teasing Ostracize  2. Legitimate power Authority that comes from a belief on the part of those being influenced that the person has a legitimate right to demand obedience Bertram Raven & John French  (French & Raven, 1959;  Raven, 1992 ). 3. Referent power Influence based on identification with, attraction to, or respect for the power-holder Public Compliance Or Types of Power Private Acceptance 4.Expert power  Power that comes from others’ beliefs that the power-holder possesses superior skills and abilities 5. Reward power       The ability to influence by distributing positive or negative rewards.    teacher doling out good (+) or bad (-) grade Boss offering or denying a raise. Countless reward styles , traditions and methods exist: Verbal rewards like praise or public approval Finan

Duplicity & Dark Triad

  Duplicity & Dark Triad Writ by Jesse Lee Duplicity refers to deception by acting in two different ways, often simultaneously . It implies deliberately hiding your true feelings or intentions and presenting false or misleading versions of yourself to different people or in different situations. Here are some key aspects of duplicity: Doubleness : The core meaning stems from the concept of "double" or "twofold. " You present two versions of yourself, one true and one hidden. Intentional Deception : It's not accidental or innocent - you actively try to mislead others. Falsehood: You use words or actions that create a false impression. Motivation : Often driven by manipulation, self-interest, or a desire to avoid consequences. Examples of duplicity: A politician who publicly supports a cause but privately works against it. A friend who gossips about you behind your back while pretending to be loyal. A salesperson who makes false promises