Types of Power

Types of Power

Writ by Jesse Lee

A man trapped in a jar powerless banging on the sides of the glass

  1. Coercive power

    • The ability to dispense punishments

      • Exercising power by negative means

        • Bully

        • Intimidating 

        • Punishing

        • Fire

        • Demoting

          • Reducing salary

          • Coercion

            • Teasing

            • Ostracize 

    Man trapped in a jar banging on the sides of the glass feeling powerless with head down

    2. Legitimate power

    • Authority that comes from a belief on the part of those being influenced that the person has a legitimate right to demand obedience

    Bertram Raven & John French

     (French & Raven, 1959;

     Raven, 1992).

    3. Referent power

    • Influence based on identification with, attraction to, or respect for the power-holder

    A powerless man trapped in a jar with his hands down behind his back screaming

    Public Compliance

    Or Types of Power

    Private Acceptance

    4.Expert power 

    • Power that comes from others’ beliefs that the power-holder possesses superior skills and abilities

    5. Reward power   

    •  The ability to influence by distributing positive or negative rewards. 

    •   teacher doling out good (+) or bad (-) grade

    • Boss offering or denying a raise.

    • Countless reward styles , traditions and methods exist:

    • Verbal rewards like praise or public approval

    • Financial rewards

    • Gifts

    • Awards, certificates, parking spots, etc.

    +Greater Reward desirability=Stronger influence

    Authorities use reward over coercive

    A tall man trapped in a jar powerless