
Showing posts from February 25, 2024

Ex-President Next Resident: All hail Narcisickness

Ex -Pre sid ent Next Re sid ent : All hail Narci sickness Created by Oregon leathe rboy Mass Persuasion Mass hypnosis Mass Influence  Mass Control P r e s i d e n c y of the U n i t e d s t a t e s of A m e r i c a Un bridle d Pow er is all we ( as in m e ) want Big Deal?!?!? Some liberals have to squeal while we feed them shit meal fuck the way they feel. Soon all of humanity will see why Trump appeals when the mind control cements and seals as the majority kneels at Trump's boot 👢 heels. Willingly offering autonomy to power (Frankel, 2002 )  Child abuse or trauma causing a lifelong (Ferenczi’s 1933 )  Compares outcome of childhood trauma (Frankel, 2015a )  (Ferenczi, 1933 ) (Anna Freud’s 1936 )  Children experiencing abandonment from an attachment figure feel emotional Anna dment , at pl99X    (Frankel, 2015b; and see Kohut, 1972; Tomkins, 1987) Gurevich, 2015 ; Lahav, Talmon, Ginzburg & Spiegel, 2019 ),   Añchoring 🔱⚓ Future pacing Repetition  Pattern Int