The Psychology Behind Narcissistic Brainwashing and Control: A deep dive into the tactics used by narcissists to manipulate and control their victims.

Cocky bald man wearing leather blazer smoking cigar

 Writ by Jesse Lee

The Psychology Behind Narcissistic Brainwashing and Control: A deep dive into the tactics used by narcissists to manipulate and control their victims.

Narcissists are individuals who exhibit a pattern of grandiosity, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. They often manipulate and control others to fulfill their own desires and maintain their inflated sense of self-importance. Here are some of the tactics used by narcissists to manipulate and control their victims:
1. Gaslighting: Narcissists often use gaslighting as a tactic to make their victims doubt their own reality. They may deny events that occurred or twist them to fit their own narrative, making the victim question their memory or sanity.
2. Love-bombing: At the beginning of a relationship, narcissists often shower their victims with love, attention, and gifts to gain their trust and affection. Once the victim is emotionally invested, the narcissist may begin to manipulate and control them.
3. Blame-shifting: Narcissists often refuse to take responsibility for their actions and instead blame others for their mistakes. They may also accuse their victims of being at fault for any problems in the relationship.
4. Isolation: Narcissists may isolate their victims from friends and family members, making them dependent on the narcissist for emotional support and validation.
5. Projection: Narcissists often project their own flaws onto others. For example, they may accuse their victim of being selfish when they themselves are the ones who lack empathy.
6. Triangulation: Narcissists may involve a third party in the relationship to create jealousy or competition between the victim and the third party. This can cause the victim to feel insecure and unsure of themselves.
7. Intimidation: Narcissists may use intimidation tactics such as yelling, threatening violence, or throwing objects to control their victims.
8. Silent treatment: Narcissists may use the silent treatment as a way to punish their victim for not meeting their demands or expectations.
9. Financial abuse: Narcissists may use financial abuse to control their victims by limiting their access to money or controlling their spending.
10. Smear campaigns: Narcissists may spread rumors or lies about their victim to damage their reputation and isolate them from others.
Top 3 Authoritative Reference Publications or URLs:
1. "Psychology Today" -
2. "National Domestic Violence Hotline" -
3. "Harvard Health Publishing" -