

Writ by Jesse Lee

Italian Renaissance Niccoló Machiavelli is namesake due to the advice he gave King as advisor involving cruel, cutthroat power plays.  

Bald cocky black leather blazer wearing Machiavellian personality smoking cigar

Machiavellianism is frigid, infused with criminal principles which means lack of care for feelings.  Anti-empaths with understanding of morality met with deference to its meaning and inner feeling. This is due to a lack of firm beliefs, ideas and ideals giving no anchor to base  right from wrong. (Christie & Geis, 1970). 

  •  Assertive

  •  bold

  • cynical

  • deceptive 

  •  flattery

  • grandiose

(Deluga, 2001). 

  •  lie to  friends

  •  cheat 

  • betray

 (Jones & Paulhus, 2009).

Unlike Narcissism and Psychopathy there doesn't appear to be a  lack of self-esteem.  Power and control are driving forces for  strong manipulation tactics.  (Hare, 1991).

Social Media Machiavellians  

Prefer internet activities over in-person (Kircaburun & Griffiths, 2018)


 intense follow-up by others

 gossip approval

Grey bearded dark triad Master wearing black leather jacket smoking cigar

Machiavellians and psychopaths investigate and spy others on 

more Facebook

 less social networks

 (Stiff, 2019)

 antisocial behaviors online 

  •   Promote conflict  

  • actions against the law

 (Lopes & Yu, 2017)

Machiavellianism Sexual

  •  strategic

  •  long-term approach 

  • manipulation 

  •  exploitation 

(Christie & Geis, 1970) 

  •  relationship must not get in way objectives for power, status and/or control  

  • infidelity is physical less so emotions considered cheating 

  • associated with attachment avoidance (Brewer et al., 2018) 

  •  emotional independence

  • psychological independence

  •  discomfort with intimacy

 (Brennan et al., 1998; Hazan & Shaver, 1994).

Brownish red leather blazer wearing fat Machiavellian cigar smoker surrounded by adoring people