Alpha Male: Power & Money


Alpha Male:

Power & Money

Alpha men use money for power. They are not afraid to spend their money on expensive items and they are not afraid to show off their wealth.
The alpha male is a man who has the qualities of a leader, such as confidence, intelligence, and charisma. He is also usually wealthy and powerful because money allows more flexibility in gaining power. Another way financially firm folks exert power with monetary means is through payoff or blackmail. The ability to buy people off allows for illegal precarious behavior to be silenced.
The social hierarchy is one where gaining top level involves coercion or altruistic behavior. The only characteristic a person can have to go straight to the top of the hierarchy is wealth or prestige.
The powerful men use money, drugs and sex to control. They use these tools to get what they want from the people around them. They are not afraid to use their power and influence to get what they want.
This is a very serious problem that needs to be addressed. The powerful men need to be held accountable for their actions and the people around them need protection from these men.
Powerful man smoking cigar wearing leather blazer with glowing eyes